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We'll explore…


How your scramble to survive is obscuring what it is you truly desire


Why your fear of connection is at the root of your generic, ineffective marketing


What you need to do to ditch the indecision marketing cycle so you can harness your insight to build the caseload of your dreams.

We'll explore…


How your scramble to survive is obscuring what it is you truly desire


Why your fear of connection is at the root of your generic, ineffective marketing


What you need to do to ditch the indecision marketing cycle so you can harness your insight to build the caseload of your dreams.

Hi, I'm Jenn

I’m a relational, psychodynamic-oriented, attachment-based loving, Jungian concept adoring, and existential thinking psychotherapist based in the DC Metro area. In addition to my clinical work, I partner with psychotherapists who want to market with depth, not just offer quick solutions to get people in the door.

Hi, I'm Jenn

I’m a relational, psychodynamic-oriented, attachment-based loving, Jungian concept adoring, and existential thinking psychotherapist based in the DC Metro area. In addition to my clinical work, I partner with psychotherapists who want to market with depth, not just offer quick solutions to get people in the door.

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